Paranoia 2002 - Introduction
Paranoia 2002 is a comprehensive tool to eliminate traces, users unknowingly leave behind when working with applications under Windows operating systems.
An example: many online banks recommend deleting the browser cache after log-off to dispose of sensitive data. In fact, this advise is quite useless, because Windows file systems don't remove or overwrite data when deleting files or folders. Windows is actually hiding the data by removing file references from the system's File Allocation Table (FAT) or Master File Table (MFT under NTFS).
This is where Paranoia 2002 comes into play.
Paranoia 2002 has been designed to serve both, private and professional purposes and is seemlessly integrated into the multi-user environment of Windows operating systems 95 to XP. The program's scalable functionality and flexible user-interface allow for comfortable and intuitive use.
Paranoia 2002 is providing maximum security and reliability by implementing the security standard of US-Ministry of defence standard Dod 5220.20-M (To learn more about the DOD 5220.22-M standard, please click here or view the online version of the National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM)).
The module SaveDelete works independently from Paranoia 2002 as Windows Explorer Extension. This feature allows for the secure removal of files and data by use of the context menu commands of Windows Explorer and the secure deletion of locked files during Windows log on.
Paranoia 2002 comes with more than 130 standard objects and application plugins. Each object can be configured and executed individually. With Paranoia's Configuration Manager users can group objects into cleanup jobs. Jobs can be accessed and executed directly from the Explorer Shell by creating shortcuts and they can be launched by Windows Taskplaner, Paranoia's integrated timer or automatically at system startup.
Paranoia 2002 features an Object Assistant for the easy creation of an unlimited number of user defined secure file system and registry objects.
Paranoia 2002 is able to temporarily remove access locks of protected registry keys under Windows NT/2000/XP (e.g. Protected Storage System Provider).
RegistrySpy 2002 (included in Paranoia's installation) is a real-time registry monitor which allows users to see all read and write processes of applications to the Windows registry. The information can be copied from RegsitrySpy and pasted into Paranoia's Object Assistant.